Install on Ubuntu sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wiznote-team Users can create, edit, or view notes and documents on Windows, Linux, iOS, Android, and much more. WizNote is an open source and completely free note-taking app for Linux, and apparently, it’s a great Evernote replacement software available right now on the market. Customizable UI, custom themes, fonts, etc.Supports customizable keyboard shortcuts.Lots of options for text formatting, including color, size, style, images, links, etc.Supports all the major platforms, including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.Beautiful, modern, and intuitive user interface.Supports many programming languages, including Javascript, CSS, HTML, and Markdown.Open source and free cross-platform note-taking app.Though general users also can use it without any specialized knowledge or coding. It’s made especially for the developers and programmers. Medleytext is not just another note-taking app or alternative to Evernote. Your privacy will not be compromised as it keeps all the documents and contents in an encrypted safe vault.

The user can collaborate with other Simplenote users in real-time.Very easy to create or edit notes, tasks, or documents.So let’s have a glimpse of the important features of it. This simple and elegant app is designed and developed by the same company that developed WordPress – Best Blogging open source platform, Automattic, Inc. It provides all the features that a modern and professional note-taking app must have-this how it becomes the best Evernote alternative app for Linux. Simplenote is the best note-taking app for Linux right now.

Let’s not make it descriptive we can go ahead with the list of the best note-taking apps or Evernote alternative apps for Ubuntu Linux. Many of these Evernote replacement apps support their own cloud storage, where others support external cloud storage like Google drives, Dropbox, etc. As of now, Evernote does not officially support Linux, so the below apps may be used for creating, modifying, or deleting, managing notes, tasks, or to-do lists.